The Total Economic Impact
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is a new deployment option that provides organizations the ability to migrate their on-premises SQL Server applications and databases onto a fully managed SQL Server in the Azure cloud.
To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed several customers who have migrated their SQL Server data onto a managed instance.
Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is a fully governed and managed PaaS (platform-as-a-service) with built-in intelligence that enables easy migration onto the Azure cloud.
Key Findings of Azure Forrester Report
› › Avoided hardware, network, storage, and ongoing maintenance costs of $1.8 million. Conservatively, organizations estimated approximately $800,000 in avoided costs, resulting in three-year PV savings of $1.8 million.
› › Forty percent (40%) improvement in DBA productivity. Customers noted that they were able to see a 40% improvement in DBA productivity by moving to Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance, resulting in three-year PV savings of $688,000.
› › Twenty percent (20%) increase in IT productivity. customers were able to see a 20% increase in productivity across their IT management and security teams. In addition, developers did not have to spend time re-architecting applications, resulting in three-year PV savings of $698,000.
› › Annual license costs. Over the course of three years, the estimated average license cost is approximately $25,000 per month, resulting in a three-year PV cost of $858,000.
› › Migration and deployment costs. Typical deployment lasts four to six months which includes migration, integration, and testing. These are one-time initial costs, resulting in a PV cost of $165,000.
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Cost: Basic implementation starts at $7,995, additional customization available at an hourly rate.