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Global Retailer Uses a SharePoint Intranet to Enhance Employee Communication and Recognition

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Discover how a global retailer moved beyond communication and collaboration challenges by creating a custom SharePoint intranet.

One popular retailer of grills and outdoor cooking products, struggled to effectively communicate with their employees throughout the world. The retailer also wanted to implement an employee recognition process to better motivate their employees and promote a positive company culture. Using Microsoft SharePoint, they was able to simplify document management and boost employee engagement.

Many large businesses with employees in numerous locations struggle with properly communicating information to all employees. These improper communication methods can make it difficult for employers to inform their people of important company goals and procedures. To combat this, employers and employees need fast, easy access to company data and optimal collaboration tools at their fingertips.

This distributor of outdoor grills was suffering from his exact problem. The company needed a better way to reach their employee base and ensure employees were up-to-date and informed about company procedures. They also wanted to implement an internal recognition system to increase employee motivation and satisfaction. Finally, this distributor also wanted to improve their document management process which would accelerate business growth from the inside out. Working with JourneyTEAM content and collaboration specialists, this distributor was able to gain a customized recognition system that simplified and streamlined processes while simultaneously improving employee satisfaction.

retail team

Microsoft SharePoint Simplifies Document Management

By implementing a SharePoint intranet, they were able to improve document sharing, drive employee engagement, and, subsequently, increase employee productivity and efficiency. Employees could now easily find and access company information which provided much-needed clarity regarding their roles. User collaboration on documents and projects was significantly improved, which resulted in higher project success rates.

Company executives could now distribute vital business information accordingly and be confident it would reach all employees. Clear communication within the company led to efficient communication with clients, thereby increasing overall customer satisfaction.

Empowering Employees with a Custom Recognition System

Included within the new intranet was a highly-functioning internal employee recognition system. Each month, employees could give a limited number of shoutouts to fellow peers that were company-value focused. After submitting a shoutout, Power Automate escalated the recognition to the appropriate manager for review. This provided managers with valuable information regarding employee performance which they could use to appropriately reward employees based on the number of recognition's they received.

With a new employee recognition system in place, employee satisfaction rates significantly increased. Employee motivation to follow and exhibit company values also increased which ultimately improved overall morale.

JourneyTEAM is Your Trusted Partner for Creating SharePoint Intranets

If your business is looking to improve your current document and storage management system, contact JourneyTEAM. We’ve supported dozens of businesses across industries in building a fully customized SharePoint intranet designed to meet company-specific goals. From improving communication and collaboration within business teams to simplifying complex, time-consuming processes, JourneyTEAM empowers your teams to do this and more.

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