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Switching from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 to Better Track Customer Data and Improve Sales

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

One of our clients in the agricultural industry is a leader in the development and commercialization of various food products and services. They were dealing with legacy limitations and migrated to Dynamics 365 to streamline their overall sales process, improve the user experience, and save money with reduced time and resources.

Older, legacy systems and processes get in the way of business growth. Businesses and their employees usually make it work until they identify negative impacts like inaccurate data, tedious and manual processes to connect systems, and little to no insight that helps them achieve more.

JourneyTEAM has extensive experience in helping businesses over varying sizes across industries implement customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

The company wanted a robust, intelligent tool that would allow them to more seamlessly manage their data and automate their sales data. JourneyTEAM carefully evaluated their needs and goals and created a plan to implement Dynamics 365 with their sales component.

two men working on a computer

The Challenges of Tracking New Customer Data

This client relied on a physical notebook to track their sales leads, contacts, and opportunities, a risky business considering valuable data and opportunities would be lost should the notebook be misplaced. Additionally, they had very few sales representatives, which resulted in a non-repeatable and time-consuming sales process. One of the requirements when partnering with JourneyTEAM was finding a way to improve data storage and automate their sales process to boost security and scalability.

The company also wanted support in improving their new client onboarding process. The company relied on Great Plains to store client information, but they wanted to migrate data to Dynamics 365 for easier access and higher functionality. For example, when Gibby Group acquired a new dairy farm or additional plants, they needed a way to track inventory information as well as customer progression on the sales cycle in a single location.

Dynamics 365 allowed the company to more efficiently track customer communication which resulted in higher customer satisfaction. Additionally, because the company works with multiple businesses, migrating their current customer data and interactions into Dynamics 365 automated the process, streamlining the process for future sales opportunities.

The Benefits of Dynamics 365 Sales

This agricultural organization began with a CRM lite software solution; however, as the company began to scale, it quickly outgrew the system. The company left behind its CRM system and opted for the full functionalities included in Dynamics 365 Sales.

Using the online version of Dynamics 365, the company was able to mitigate risks with their information stored properly. Additionally, by having their CRM solution online, they could easily allow for future growth on their sales team and make information more accessible for their growing team.

By working with the agricultural company, JourneyTEAM was able to simplify their new customer process, and keep a well-documented history of customer information. With Dynamics 365 in place, the company now has the scalability they’re looking for, all sales leads information in a centralized location, and the ability to easily track and access information.

JourneyTEAM Helps Automate the Sales Process

JourneyTEAM has worked with numerous clients across industries to improve and simplify their sales processes, enabling dozens of organizations to meet specific goals. With our extensive experience in implementing large data into Dynamics 365 and building a custom, unique CRM solution, JourneyTEAM empowers businesses to do more, faster.

Contact a JourneyTEAM sales representative today for more information on building a customized Dynamics 365 sales solution.

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