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Lowe's Case Study Improving Business Using Office 365

Updated: May 8, 2019

Why Lowe’s Employees Love Where They Work

You know Lowe’s. Second-largest home improvement store in the world. Locations in Canada and Mexico in addition to all 50 states. Similar to the competition, but a little bit fancier.

Numerous issues with technology plagued Lowe’s. For starters, customers like to send photos of their home improvement projects to store employees, enabling sales people to see exactly what they need and why. Problem was, high-resolution photos are memory hogs, and the employees’ inboxes eventually filled to capacity. And since photo resolutions aren’t getting any smaller, employees couldn’t even receive a new photo without first going back and deleting two or three old ones.

The company also sells a staggering number of individual products. Looking up information on all of them was a royal pain—especially for employees who were with customers and away from the computers. And whenever colleagues collaborated to create documents, they had to email the files back and forth to each other. Keeping track of the most current versions and ensuring that revisions weren’t being made separately to yet different versions was sometimes impossible.

These kinds of headaches are hardly unique to Lowe’s. They’re all but ubiquitous. Even small companies run into them eventually. Lowe’s solved them all by turning to Microsoft Office 365’s cloud productivity tools.

Lowe’s found instant relief when they used the FastTrack service to deploy everything smoothly and easily. Microsoft’s FastTrack team shares best practices and provides documentation and a checklist to ensure that the deployment process unfolds efficiently and correctly. This means migrations that used to take up a seemingly endless amount of time now process quicker and give companies back their time to focus on other important matters.

And the benefits are no secret. Increased productivity. Effortless file and information sharing. Improved teamwork. Virtually limitless inbox capacity. Reduced maintenance time. Even better customer relationships with all the above headaches reduced or eliminated.

Lowe’s prides itself on helping people love where they live. With Office 365, its employees now love where they work.

If you’re thinking of migrating to Office 365 and the utilizing the Microsoft cloud for your business, contact JourneyTEAM today! It could be as painless and rewarding for you as it was for Lowe’s.

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