Power BI Is The Leading Data Visualization Platform
Power BI simplifies data visualization. Its simple yet powerful tools allow you to delve deep into data and create detailed compelling reports. Interactive dashboards enable users to look at individual data and aggregated information to aid decision-making. Speed up your data analytics by implementing Power BI today.
Create and Craft Data Stories
Power BI allows you to consume any data from hundreds of sources to easily create compelling, interactive visualizations. Customize visuals to fit your brand and audience.
Online and Mobile Capabilities
Publish interactive Power BI data stories on both mobile and desktop devices in seconds.
Your Story, Your Data
Edit, update, or refresh visualizations with ease. Choose when and what share—and what you don’t—with just a few clicks.
How Power BI Enhances Decision Making
Designed for users of all skillsets, Power BI allows everyone to access, organize, and report on business data. The solution democratizes data, improving decision making across the enterprise via a suite of robust features.
Get the Most Out of Power BI
Our dedicated Customer Service team will work with you to understand your unique goals and create a customized platform that works for your business. We provide direction and guidance on finding and implementing the right solution- every step of the way.
Step 1
Discovery Call
Tell us your story. What are you facing, dealing with, or struggling against.
Step 2
Make a Plan with Us
See the tech in action to best plan out next steps.
Step 3
Get the data you need to lead confidently!
Data Visualizations
Power BI offers a wide range of data visualizations—from simple to complex. Users can create custom visualizations, including stacked bar charts, line charts, ie chart, maps, and more.
Design, Build, and Deploy Power BI with JourneyTEAM
“Great team of highly capable people, could not have asked for a better Power BI integration.”
— Keith Sethman, Omni Logistics
JourneyTEAM enables you to unlock the power of business analytics. Our Power BI experts not only help you build a customized Power BI environment, but also provide customized support along the way.
Power BI Updates and Resources
Discover how Power BI compares to other leading business intelligence platforms.