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Microsoft Myths – SharePoint Edition

Updated: Mar 25

3 SharePoint Tips and Tricks You Need to Know in 2023

Microsoft SharePoint is an excellent tool for business teams to organize their documentation and have an efficient knowledge management structure. Documents can be easily found, shared, and accessed within SharePoint, making it easy for team members to collaborate. Learn about some common SharePoint myths, and how to debunk them with the following helpful tips:

sharepoint application

Myth 1 - SharePoint On-Prem Offers the same Features as SharePoint Online

If you don’t want to miss out on Microsoft releases and updates, stay hip with the online version of SharePoint! SharePoint on-prem users are often delayed in getting updates, as Microsoft treats SharePoint online as the priority. Microsoft is constantly rolling out new features and updating the online version of SharePoint first. These updates can include security, site scripts, list view formatting, column formatting etc., which are still not available to a lot of on-prem SharePoint versions. Microsoft is always going to update online first, so if you want to have access to the latest and greatest, consider migrating to an online version of SharePoint.

Myth 2 - You Can’t Embed Lists to a SharePoint Page

Unfortunately, this myth does have an important prerequisite. To edit and view version history on SharePoint sites and pages, you must have proper permissions.

a) Start by hitting the ‘edit’ button in the top right corner.

b) Add a column within a SharePoint List

Columns are a beneficial feature to add to any list to portray metadata. When adding a column to your list, press the ‘Add Column’ button, select which type of column you want it to be, then customize the column from there.

sharepoint dashboard

c) Embedding the list on a SharePoint Page

Who doesn’t love lists and checking off items? Add lists as a type of web part when editing your SharePoint page to share information in a list form. To add a list to a SharePoint page, create a new web part by clicking the blue ‘plus’ sign, type in or navigate to ‘List’ and click on the list you have previously created on your SharePoint site.

Myth 3 - You Can’t View Version histories or Past Site Edits

This is for those who are indecisive with their work or want to backtrack their steps. We’ve all been there! When you want to view past versions of your SharePoint page or make sure your new edits are properly published, you have the following three versioning options after making page edits.

  1. Save as a draft- Which creates a minor version of the new page

  2. Discarding changes- Reverts the new page edits to reflect the previous version of the page

  3. Publish- Creates a major version (new version) of the page, live for your team to see

You can access version history and see when changes were made, revert to former versions, and ensure new progress is saved on the latest version.

page details on a sharepoint page

Document and Knowledge Sharing

Microsoft SharePoint is built to help organizations succeed with a proper knowledge management solution and efficient document sharing. With the right knowledge management in place, business teams can be empowered to collaborate and work together on projects effectively. With SharePoint, employees have a single source of truth for information and know how to find answers when they need them. Microsoft will continue to evolve in productive ways that benefit your business teams and the way people work.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed debunking some common myths found within Microsoft SharePoint and use them to your advantage. Have questions about SharePoint, or other Microsoft 365 products? Contact us to ask us your questions.

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